What does Freska cleaning cost?

All the info you need about Freska's pricing is found on this page. If you want to know what the cleaning costs to your home specifically, feel free to calculate it by clicking that button below.

Calculate your cleaning price




What does our home cleaning include?

In general / all spaces
  • Dusting all level surfaces (where the cleaner reaches, less than 180cm in height)
  • Vacuuming floors and carpets
  • Damp mopping floors (if floor material suitable for damp mopping)
  • Stain removal from door frames, door handles and light switches
  • Wiping mirrors and other glass surfaces (excluding windows)
  • Disposing of trash (if the customer advises where / arranges access to the waste disposal area)
  • Cleaning the sink, cooker and extractor hood surface
  • Removing stains on the outside of the microwave oven, refrigerator and dishwasher
  • Loading the dishwasher
  • Wiping other kitchen appliances (e.g. coffee maker, toaster, blender)
  • Dusting all level surfaces (where the cleaner reaches, less than 180cm in height)
  • Vacuuming floors and carpets
  • Damp mopping floors (if floor material suitable for damp mopping)
  • Wiping mirrors and other glass surfaces (excluding windows)
  • Cleaning the bath, toilet, floors and wash basin and stain removal
  • Washing the shower and the glass shower wall
  • Dusting all level surfaces (where the cleaner reaches, less than 180cm in height)
  • Vacuuming floors and carpets
  • Damp mopping floors (if floor material suitable for damp mopping)
  • Wiping mirrors and other glass surfaces (excluding windows)
  • Making the bed
  • Changing the sheets(if the clean sheets have been left on the bed)
  • Dusting all level surfaces (where the cleaner reaches, less than 180cm in height)
  • Vacuuming floors and carpets
  • Damp mopping floors (if floor material suitable for damp mopping)
  • Wiping mirrors and other glass surfaces (excluding windows)
Tasks not included to regular cleaning

To avoid confusion, the following tasks are not included in the ordered service.

  • Wiping/cleaning walls and dusting pictures
  • Wiping/cleaning of the ceiling and other surfaces that cannot be reached without special equipment
  • Removal of extremely difficult stains
  • Cleaning the floor drain
  • Cleaning odour traps
  • Cleaning of ventilation valves and ventilation slots
  • Moving heavy furniture and home appliances
  • Renovation cleaning
  • Cleaning after renovations
  • Cleaning furniture
Separately ordered services
  • Ironing (about 5-7 shirts) (30 min)
  • Cleaning the inside of the refrigerator (60 min)
  • Cleaning the inside of the oven (60 min)
  • Cleaning the sauna (60 min)
  • Cleaning the inside of the rubbish cupboard (30 min)
  • Window cleaning
  • Moving cleaning
  • For more information, contact our customer service at 09 42450583 or by email info@freska.fi

Cleaning subscription

Every week starting at 44,90 €/h (29,19 €*)

✔️ Always clean home – and you just focus on living.

Every other week starting at 49,90 €/h (32,44 €*)

✔️ Our most popular package: Freska cleans your home every two weeks and you enjoy an easier everyday life in a shiny home.

Once a month starting at 52,90 €/h (34,39 €*)

✔️ Freska does a thorough professional cleaning of your home every month, and all you have to do is a little maintenance cleaning and organization.

*Hourly price after tax credit for household expenses

Have you heard from our Freska Friends program?

Recommend Freska to your friend - you both get a 50 € advantage! As a Freska's customer, you can delight your loved ones with your very own invitation code. They will receive a 20 € benefit on their first cleaning and 15 € from their second and third cleaning. You will receive 50 € in Freska credits, which will be automatically utilized in your order.

Read more about Freska friends

One time cleaning starting at 62,90 €/h (40,89 €*)

✔️ One time cleaning before or after parties. Or once in a while to cheer up your everyday life.

Service fee in one off cleanings is 14 €.

*Hourly price after tax credit for household expenses

What the cleaning cost consists?

When making price comparisons between different cleaning service providers, it is a good idea to pay attention to all the extra costs such as service fees and travel or equipment costs. Freska does not add any surprising additional costs to your order. Our cleaning services are hourly priced and include a service fee (9,90 €). The service fee includes all additional costs, such as the cleaner's travel and equipment costs.

You can choose according to your needs whether you want cleaning every week, every other week, every fourth week or one-time cleaning. It is possible to claim tax credit for household expenses from our cleaning costs but not from the service fee.

Window cleaning 75 €/h (48,75 €*)

Sun is shining but you can't see it through your dirty windows? Order Freska's professionals to clean your windows crystal clear.

Calculate your window cleaning price

*Hourly price after tax credit for household expenses

We take care of your moving cleaning so you can do other things.

Moving cleaning 65 €/h (42,25 €*)

There's already plenty of stuff to do on a moving day, but cleaning doesn't have to be one of them! Let's us do the cleaning, so you'll have more time to do other things.

Check how much your moving cleaning costs

*Hourly price after tax credit for household expenses

"Shut up and take my money" – Verokarhu

Simply tax credit means that you can benefit of it with your personal taxes. When you purchase services to your home, such as home cleaning, using tax credit for household expenses you'll get 35 % of the service cost back (treshold 150 €).

The tax credit for household expenses is done to:

  • eradicate the black market
  • to make the services affordable for more people
  • encourage people to buy services from legit service providers
  • increase the employment

You can get the work 35% cheaper, however, in such a way that the cleaners receive adequate compensation for their work.

Freska Fact: As a Freska's customer, claiming for tax credit for household expenses is easy and simple, because we give you yearly a tax summary of your cleanings. In addition, this summary is always available to you in Freska app.

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Happiness is a clean home.


Payment methods


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Freska Finland Oy

Business ID: 3246808-9

  • Helsinki,
  • Espoo,
  • Vantaa,
  • Kauniainen,
  • Kirkkonummi,
  • Kerava,
  • Turku,
  • Lieto,
  • Naantali,
  • Raisio,
  • Tampere,
  • Kangasala,
  • Lempäälä,
  • Nokia,
  • Pirkkala,
  • Valkeakoski,
  • Ylöjärvi
Freska Finland
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